Monday, September 22, 2014

Why I Love Bread

How silly does that sound, "I love Bread!"? Some may think it's odd to have such a strong emotion about food, while others can completely relate! Let's be honest, if you're taking the time to read a blog called "Bread is My Sun" then you can relate. I have a theory on why I have such an emotional response to food.

I recently gave birth to my third daughter, she is now two months old. The other day my mom was visiting and about 30 minutes after my daughter finished eating she got very fussy. My moms first response was "Well she must be hungry, try feeding her." I explained to my mom that she just ate a good amount and its doubtful she's already hungry again. My mom said to try feeding her anyway, "It will make her happy." That's when it struck me!

My mom hated when my sister and I cried as babies, it made her so sad, and while we were nursing, we wouldn't cry.  So my moms answer was to feed us anytime we cried.  It started as an infant, if I'm upset the answer is to eat!  My mom did not mean to start this type of thinking, however I feel like this was my first experiences with food that created a lifelong habit.  My mom is not the only one who did it, I've seen many people give their child a popsicle when they fall and bump their knee to "make it feel better" or offer ice cream to a person after a bad break up, or bring chocolates to someone in the hospital after a procedure. Food is not only the answer when something bad happens, but it's also the way people celebrate something good. You just got a promotion at your job, go celebrate with a special dinner out, your child got all A's on their report card? Take them for frozen yogurt! When food is used to calm a fussy baby, heal a child's booboo, mend a broken heart, and celebrate your accomplishments, it's no wonder that many people today have such an emotional relationship with food.

Since I realized this, I am making an effort to find alternative solutions to problems and different ways to celebrate. Next time one of my children falls and bumps her knee, I will offer her a hug and help her clean the scrape and when she comes home with all A's on her report card I can give her a quarter for each A she receives (however if she chooses to buy ice cream with that money, I won't say no).

I'm making a commitment to myself to try and stop using food as a solution. This does not mean I will stop enjoying it though! Here is another gluten free/dairy free recipe that I absolutely love!

"Pasta" Carbonara

1 spaghetti squash, cooked and peeled, seeds removed 
2 zucchinis chopped 
1/2 yellow onion chopped 
4 eggs 
1 cup shredded cheese (I used vegan pepper jack cheese) 
1 cup marinara sauce 
Salt and pepper 

Preheat oven to 350 
Sauté zucchini and onion in pan and season with salt and pepper - set aside 
Mix eggs, cheese and marinara sauce in bowl 
Add zucchini and onion and mix 
Add spaghetti squash and mix 
Spray a 9 x 11 pan with cooking spray 
Pour mixture into pan and put in the oven at 350 for 45 minutes.

I added a fried egg on top of mine (pictured above). 

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